Friday, April 1, 2011

C4T #3 Summary

Who dares to teach must never cease to learn.

Post 1
Learning is Life. by Russ Goerend

In Goerend's blog, he discusses a unconference,called the EdCamp. It's a conference where several educators and teachers pull together to share their knowledge and interests with one another. I found this post very interesting because I feel that I can learn most from experienced teachers that are willing to share their knowledge with me. If I hear of any local conferences like this one, I would be more than willing to join in with other classmates to attend.

Post 2
The Barrier Gives by Russ Goerend

The Barrier Gives

I set it up
in advance
That way
(when the inevitable happens)
I've got an excuse:

Can't do it
Nope, too busy
Costs too much
Don't have time
Not for me

Building a fence
Halving a field
Quartering the lot

Why roam free
when the barrier gives me peace?

My reply:
Mr. Goerend,...While reading this poem, I started thinking back on excuses I've made throughout my education. Since I'm not much of a procrastinator and try to be an A student, I tried not to make excuses. In my opinion, if you want to be good at something, you must work hard to attain it. It may not always be easy, but in the long run, what will pay off? The excuse or the hard work? As a future teacher, I want my children to be able to admire my work and see that I also live out what I say. This poem really made me consider what type of teacher I am going to be.
Thanks so much for this poem! I enjoyed it!

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