Monday, February 21, 2011

C4K Summary #1

Logan's Blog Post

Logan's Blog Post:
Logan chose to write about his "Top Five Things To Do With Bacon". I found the topic unique and very interesting. He ends his post very well. He asks the commenter to add any other ideas of what to do with bacon and suggests trying the ways he listed. I thought Logan did a good job plotting out his post with a picture, points, and an ending.

Robert @ Pt England School: Netbook day!!!

Robert's Post:
Last week we room13 got our net books.Before we got our net books, we signed a form saying that we would look after our net book and take charge of it.Then Mr Burt talked,Then finally the moment arrived to hand out the net books.I was waiting and waiting,And waiting more,then finally we riped open the box and enjoyed it.
Our net books are really cool,we can play games on it,view blogs,and other fun stuff.We have our own e-mails,it is called Google docs,we are allowed to chat,and comment to them.

My reply:
How exciting!Hi, Robert! I am a college student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, United States. I absolutely love my net book. I have had mine for a few years. It's very cool that you received it from school. Do you get to do homework on it? I am going to be a teacher in a couple of years. Let me know how the net books work for your class. What do you want to be when you get older?

ts2011 from Mr. Wolfe's Class
View ts2011's Blog here

A Heart to Brighten Your Day

ts2011's Post:
I hope this heart may brighten up your world or somebodies world or my world. Share joy, love, peace, happiness, friendship, and loyalty. We need to make sure that you spread friendship loyalty

My Reply:
I am a college student at the University of South Alabama, in Mobile, majoring in Elementary Education. I really enjoyed reading your post. I, to enjoy hearts. I like to understand people’s feelings, and show people I care for them. You did an excellent job on your post!

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