Thursday, January 27, 2011

Blog Assignment 2

Amanda's Wordle

"Did You Know?" is by far one of the best videos I've ever watched. How is it that we've gone from using other human beings for information or reading a book to find out, to just ask "Google" the question. It's a very fascinating thing to think about. I don't mind being into technologically; however, I try to use it to my advantage. I try not to get too involved though because I don't want it to completely run my life. I really want to understand it and use it to it's full capacity for when I have my own class.

It's surprising to me how many honors kids are in China versus how many kids are in the United States. I'm sure it's changed a little since the video was made. What is China doing that America is not? How can I, as a future teacher, make a difference in these statistics? How can I invest myself into something that will still be worth while years from now? Teachers must realize that being a teacher is not just a job, what we say and do helps or hurts America's future.

"Mr. Winkle Wakes" is a pretty humorous video. Rip Van Winkle comes back to life 100 years later and he realizes how times have changed. He visits the hospital and the school. In the school, he finds an old dusty laptop like one he had seen in the hospital. Mr. Winkle is happy to know that even after one hundred years, reading, writing, and arithmetic are still being taught in school.

It's amusing to think about our future. What's it going to be like 50 or 100 years from now? I can't wrap my mind around it. I don't understand how technology can get any better than it is. Hospital nurses and doctors are going to find quicker, easier ways to heal patients. School teachers and principals are going to continue to teach possibly the next doctor or president. Meanwhile, each and every employee will also be learning how to do whatever their job is better.

Sir Ken Robinson's video, "The Importance of Creativity," was by far my favorite one to watch. Creativity is a necessity in life, just like mathematics and literature. How we approach and handle creativity is up to us as teachers and parents. If we support it and make the best of it, who know what kind of inventions will come next. We must teach our children to find something they're good at and go after it. Whether it be science or art, math or dance, each company needs all types of people.

I had never realized just how much creativity is pushed to the side until this video. Now the issue is making teachers and parents aware of this problem and showing them how to encourage their children to do what they're best at. If we can just give children the opportunity to succeed in the area they're best at, I know they will pull through. Talent isn't limited to dance and smarts aren't limited to academics. In today's world, we need both. Let's be the teachers that make this change possible.

After watching the video of Ceclia Gault interviewing Sir Ken Robinson, I realized how great of an opportunity I have as a teacher. I was never offered the chance to interview a teacher or other students, much less a senator or governor. I believe a child would learn a lot from talking to other students and teachers on a formal basis. I agree with Sir Ken Robinson about every child having the capability to be creative.

As long as we as teachers present them with opportunities to be artistic and individuals, it's up to them to pursue it. It doesn't have to mean scheduling interviews for every student, it means putting a sheet of paper or colorful markers in front of them and letting them draw/create what they want. No child is just like the next, and teachers must cater to each of their strong characteristics. Whether it be reading, drawing, or math, it's highly important to encourage it.

The last video, "Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts" was very eye-opening. I liked that the teacher was allowing her kids to teach her. She said she doesn't know everything, but it's good that her students can work together and show the class how to do the task. As the days keep flying by, technological inventions keep being made. With being a teacher, you have to stay up to date on the latest technology so your students can have the best, most valuable information.

When I become a teacher, I am going to do my best to keep up with the newest trends. It will be my job to present my students with the best; in saying that, I will also expect them to teach me new things, too.


  1. "Did you Know" I agree, I like technology. I also do not want technology to completely consume my life. There are so many skills to learn which can be overwhelming.
    I wonder too why China students are more advance than students in the United States. I had a professor (not at south) who said that Asia students perform better than American students because their parents value greater aspects on education. I have to disagree, I have an eight grader and she knows that academics is extremely important.

    "Mr Winkle Wakes" I feel the same way about the curiosity of what technology will be like in the years to come. Technology does have lots of advantages especially when used in the hospital setting.

    "The Importance of Creativity" was a favorite for me. I have learned that creativity is instill in everyone and that creativity range from being a great artist (which I definitely am not) or just being a great listener.

  2. Hey Amanda,

    I love your passion about these subjects. I think you are going to make a great teacher!

    This is a really good post. Keep up the good work!

    Don't forget to link your videos. This will make it easy for someone to see what you are talking about. Also, don't forget to add images to every blog post.

    Stephen Akins

  3. Amanda,

    I am so excited you feel the same way I do about teaching! These videos had great topics. Thanks so much for an interesting post!

    Cherish Hamner
